Council and Officers



President: Vacant, currently shared by Members of Council

Secretary: Vacant

Treasurer:  Dr Stan Waddington

Editor of the Proceedings: Vacant

Lecture Secretary:  Sue Bennett (Box)

                             Paul Wyeth (Painswick)

Membership Secretary:  Clare Woodman

Additional Members of Council:  Peter Cornish, Denise Magauran, Dr Lynne O’Farrell, Gerry Revell, Dr David Thackray

Other Officers

Badgeworth Reserve Officer:  Peter Cornish

Despatch Officer:  Gerry Revell

Communications/ Publicity Officer:  Jane Rowe

Field Activities Committee: Peter Cornish, Denise Magauran, Dr Lynne O’Farrell, Gerry Revell, Jane Rowe, Dr David Thackray, Dr Stan Waddington

Research and Publications Committee: Jane Rowe, Dr David Thackray, Dr Stan Waddington

Web Administrator:  Paul Wyeth 

Additional Support

Administrative Secretary:  Sylvia May

Accounts Examiner:  Anthony Pearson